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Center for Action and Contemplation

Ritual Journeys through Grief and Joy with Dr. Walter Earl Fluker

Friday, September 17, 2021
Length: 00:55:00
Size: 60mb

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On this episode, Dr. Walter Earl Fluker joins Dr. Barbara Holmes and Dr. Donny Bryant in conversation for this episode of The Cosmic We. Dr. Fluker serves as Dean’s Professor of Spirituality, Ethics, and Leadership at Candler School of Theology at Emory University; Professor Emeritus of Ethical Leadership (formerly the Martin Luther King, Jr Chair) and at Boston University the editor of the Howard Thurman Papers Project.


Meet the Guest

Dr. Fluker’s research focuses on the theory and practice of ethical leadership. He is the author of multiple books including, Ethical Leadership: The Quest of Character, Civility and Community and editor of The Papers of Howard Washington Thurman, 5 volumes.
Dr. Fluker’s work is internationally recognized; he travels globally as a speaker, consultant, and workshop leader advising organizations on ethical leadership practices.

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